Sunday, February 3, 2008


The image below is from the Tour de France. It always brings back fond memories when I see it. This is a picture of German cyclist Magnus Burghardt being thrown over his handle bars after a collision with a stray dog during the 2007 race.

Why does it bring back such great memories? Well . . . several months ago on a routine ride out to Mike’s Place in Liberty I found myself in a similar position. That is, I was the one flying over my bars after an idiotic dog (I’ll refer to him as “Butch”) in Burton ran out in front of me. Here is the scene of the crime.

I was positioned at the back of a group of cyclists on our way to our favorite breakfast stop when Butch, one monster of a dog, darted out from the porch of this house.
Butch stopped at the side of the rode as the riders in front of me passed. Then, after recognizing me, he instinctively darted in the direction of my front wheel. Butch was playing DIRTY. I tried to slow down and maneuver around him, but to no avail. Instantly we collided and I prepared myself for the impact. Luckily I was wearing my super-duper LAS helmet (the stinking thing cost me $100). I landed on my noggin and rolled hard onto my left shoulder and hip.

After the impact Butch (the sissy of a dog) scampered away, probably uninjured. I collected myself, stood, and assessed the damage. My bike, which was most important, was fine. The only damage done was to my front wheel, which was knocked slightly out of true. As my adrenaline level dropped I realized that my hip hurt quite a bit. Later I found that I had just a small amount of road rash and one large stinking bruise.

I can’t say that I totally blame Butch. Nor can I say that I wish him any harm. With that said, I haven’t seen Butch since that day and I can’t say that I actually miss him.

I recently had an encounter with another dog, KUJO . . .


  1. Where is your little friend. I wanted to see the picture of the HUGE MEAN DOG!!

  2. What an exciting story......I could barely contain myself as I read each paragraph.

  3. i appreciate the preview to this blog prior to it getting published.
