Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer of Fun 7

The "Summer of Fun 7" officially started today with "Freedom Ride 1".

After being dismissed from school I hustled home to saddle up and get the summer started! While I was the only participant in today's Freedom Ride, I still managed to set a blistering pace! I raced through the rural roads of Adams County and crossed the finish line in first place. With this being my first victory of 2009, I think it would only be appropriate to thank my sponsor, Dogfish USA, and my lovely fiance, Jessie! Without the two of them this all wouldn't be possible.

As for "Summer of Fun 7", there are already quite a few events and destinations planned. I will list them here for you in no particular order:

1. Cut the grass (a lot)
2. Pray that my basement doesn't get wet again until next spring
3. Ride my bicycle
4. Honeymoon in Jamaica
5. Play like Johnny Appleseed (but with fescue)
6. Get married
7. Enjoy my bachelor party
8. Race my bicycle
9. Visit my nephew
10. Relax and not think about school

Since this list was just "born on the bike" today, there will still be plenty of events/happenings added to it. Keep posted for updates.

I'll finish be asking my friends who are automatically alerted to new posts to let me know if they find this bothersome. I can make changes and pull you from your coveted spot on the list. If for whatever reason you enjoy reading this nonsense and think someone else you know would as well, feel free to pass along my site. I am always searching for new fans!

May your summer of fun be just as fun!


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