Monday, May 10, 2010

Belleville Pro-Am Crit

After the last couple road races I started to feel that my fitness level was pretty good. Sooo, when I arrived in Belleville I thought good things might happen that day. Only 35 riders lined up that day, but among them were some pretty good riders. The race started quickly on a 6 turn course that turned out to be a really nice time. Coming up the back side of the course was a 3 block long climb, and it's here where I knew the race would be decided. After talking to Darrell before the race and pre-riding the course a few times I knew it would be necessary to be first or second coming out of the last corner. From there the finish was only 200 meters away. There were few fireworks during the race, and as it drug on I knew an attack up the hill on the last lap might win the race.

I positioned myself well the entire race, and turning onto the hill I was positioned well for the attack. I only sat about 5 or 6 riders from the front, and when the pace slightly slowed part way up the hill I attacked up the outside. Immediately I had a sizeable gap. Then I heard the awful sound from behind that is very distinctive in bicycle racing. A crash.

I forced my head down and put all my effort into the pedals. I went into the second to last corner with my gap over the field intact. 100 meters to the last turn.

As I swung wide and took a glance over my right shoulder going into the final corner, I saw that my gap over the field still remained. 200 meters to the finish.

I knew at this point that the race was mine. I hammered on the pedals a few final times and was able to roll comfortably across the finish line with a fist clinched in celebration. Victory.

It has been a while since my last road win, so I felt very satisfied with what I accomplished on the day. I think you can sense my satisfaction from looking at the photos taken by Eville Mike that day. Winner.


  1. That's an awesome story, Bridal! Congrats on your victory!

  2. Look at that fist pump!
